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TheTome: D2SinisterModNews


Good news! Some inquiries on the Phrozen Forums have revealed that Skill Swapping and Cloning looks to be much eaiser in D2 v1.10. Much easier as in no hex-editing is required, just changes to the skills.txt file. This'll make my job much easier and hopefully allow for a more flexible distribution of skills among characters. I am in the process of discovering whether or not Passive and Summon skills have become cloneable and swappable. If so then the changes in the mod to the various class's skill trees will be considerably more widespread...

Wow, the good news just gets better! A quick scout around the Phrozen Forums again revealed that v1.10 looks to be a gold mine for mod makers. Almost any kind of Skill cloning and swapping is possible, as is the creation of radically new things, such as new aura effects as well as an incredible variety of other new effects. What does all this mean? Well, the Mod will have even more wildy different classes than was originally intended :-) On side news, I came up with a complete Skill list, with basic descriptions, for the Frost Guardian and also worked out the arrangement of his Skill tree as well. On to the Flayer Lord, I guess.

From later in the day: Finished putting up all the basic character blurbs. I'll start putting up the Frost Guardian's skill information, and hopefully some trees, starting tomorrow. Tonight I'll be working on the Flayer Lord's skills.

Did the Flayer Lord's skills last night, as well as coming up with a satisfactory Skill tree for the lower level skills he has. Will do the other trees today, maybe after putting up some of the Frost Guardian's skills. Will also come up with the Huntress's skills tonight...

Post-weekend update. I've finished the basic design for all the classes with the exception of the BeastWalker?, who is about halfway done. Further inquiries at the Phrozen Forums have proved useful as well. I'll probably finish the Beastwalker sometime today or tomorrow and then start putting up the current preliminary info. I am also going to be doing up some nice skill tree diagrams so you can get an idea of what form the skill trees will take in-game. Finally, just a realistic note. The skill descriptions I put up now may end up being altered later if I find that the idea I had can't be done, or is a real schlep to implement. Other than that, though, I'm pretty confident. I just wish they'd release v1.10 so I could get down to business...

Hmmmmmm, well, I didn't get much chance to do much this week, what with all the playtests I've been in for Dragonfire. Okay, so it's only three, and the LARP playtest is only tomorrow, but still. I've finished all of the skills for the Beastwalker, though. I've also re-organised and altered some of the skills for the Enchanter, Pit Fighter and Threefold Warrior to make things a bit more balanced. Currently I'm coming up with skill trees, which I use to decide the various skill requirements, as well as for the creation of the skill tree diagrams I'll be putting up here on the Wiki. Happily, I've only got the BeastWalker?'s skill tree left to do. I guess after the weekend all I'll really have to do is put up the skills and skill trees and then wait for v1.10 final to be released. I'll maybe spend some time coming up with a few new items, etc, but mainly I think I might be working on a HOL module...hehehehehe...

Well, all the skills are done and I'm just busy putting them up now. Unfortunately I haven't done much over the last few days because I was busying having lots of fun at DragonFire?. Oh well, back to work I suppose. Anyway, more stuff should be going up each day this week. Don't know how I'm going to work on my other stuff though, as I have a Maths test to pass this week(Or else I may as well dereg from the course :-)

Another update. Yes, I know, it's been a while. I am going to continue putting up info, starting just after I'e done this update. The only other news is that the final v1.10 patch is still not out, which really stinks. It's 3 months overdue and no amount of beta patches is going to keep me happy...

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM