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TheTome: BlueDragonsAunt

Blue Dragon's Aunt

A D&D 3rd Ed campaign set in the savage North of the Forgotten Realms.

Austin Chamberlain


Supporting Cast:

Currently not playing:

Former Player Characters:


Flying Menagerie:

The Minority Religion Bar Bet

Every major annual holiday (Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer and Highharvestide), Brianna and Thora will count the number of converts they have made to their respective deities since the previous tally. Loser buys winner a drink at winner's bar of choice.

The V. Secret Diary of Brianna Shepherd's Daughter

11 Ches 1370

Am heading for Drow city of Ched Nased with party members, Uthgardt and Drow, hoping to rescue my teacher, Ilphrin. He has recently pissed off the authorities severely and is about to be sold at an auction. Our life expectancy has increased greatly now that we are planning to buy him rather than steal him. A collar of resurrection should be enough.

13 Ches

Arrived in underdark. Put on our Drow hats. Bunch of goblins tried to charge us a toll. Lia blew them up.

14 Ches

Arrived in Ched Nased. Purchased Ilphrin, three elves, six humans and an Uthgart successfully. Mysterious cloaked figure with glowing orange eyes seemed upset - was rather keen on Ilphrin. He cast some sort of divination spell on us. Presumably ran off to the Matron Mother to tell her who we were, since she is now blocking our exit from the city. Oh, crap.


We beat the crap out of the Matron Mother's forces. After being hit by Lia's lightning bolt, she cast a rain of spiders and ran away. Merchants in town for trade fair not impressed with spiders. Extradimensional mystery man was a yugoloth that Ilphrin killed and sent back to its plane a hundred years ago - it wanted a rematch. I duelled it and won - with the help of Thora, who cast Shield Other on me beforehand. It's not cheating if you're fighting a super-powerful extradimensional wossname, OK? Anyway, we got out mostly unscathed and went home (Lia deeply regrets forgetting to carve "No Swimming" somewhere).

Number of converts today: 2. Go me!

15 Ches

Back at ancient zoo. Coath off experimenting with highly unstable portal, apparently just for a lark. Have decided to spend the night, as we need to speak to Coath. Hope he doesn't get splattered over multiple planes on way back.

16 Ches

Coath is back. Fortunately, enormous demon couldn't fit through portal. Myth Drannor apparently in severe state of disrepair. Off to Skypony Mound.


Back at Mound. Rudely accosted by forty Tempus worshippers who wanted to get their hands on Delric. As if. We delivered smackdown. Go us! Mound now has an armoury.

17 Ches

Off to Eveningfall to attend v. important negotiations between elves and the treants. Head treant Turlang not happy with elves; wants to kick everyone out of High Forest. Thora and I not happy with prospect of temple relocation. Aglar has cunning plans regarding rebuilding of Ascalhorn. Aglar hopes his l33t sword will influence proceedings.

Am bringing Thalalos as he is good with animals. Am planning to groom him as the temple ambassador to the Forest. This will take a lot of work, as Thalalos is very wussy.


Am finding Thalalos strangely attractive. Will have to make obvious moves on him, as he thinks I will kill him if he tries anything.

19 Ches

Spent relatively pleasant day with elves in Eveningfall. Drow caused a bit of a stir. Lia is getting good at PR.

Discovered bladesinging; am however unable to participate owing to lack of arcane spellcasting ability. Also, bladesinging carefully guarded Elven secret; elves would kill me if I tried anything.

Left Thalalos in the capable care of a bunch of rangers, who cheerfully dragged him off into the forest and in a friendly and jocular manner convinced him to stick his hand down the burrow of a wounded mother badger and try to calm it. It worked. Nobody died, and they all got very drunk. I estimate that Thalalos' deeply ingrained wussiness has decreased by at least 2%.

Thora found a kindred soul in a Gold Elf from Evermeet who is rather keen on horses. Aglar had a lengthy conversation about his plan with some Moon Elves before they realised who he was.

We met a crabby old druid. V. important in forest affairs, apparently. Hear Turlang is completely barking. Somewhat worried.

Lia was a complete nerd and copied spells right through the evening party. Everyone else got v. drunk.

20 Ches

Thank Eilistraee for Cure Minor Wounds.

Off to meeting, bright and early in the morning.


Well, that was interesting. Aglar and Lothwen made momentous pact with treants; now bound to High Forest for life. Going back to Eveningfall. Plants sprouting in Aglar's footsteps; if he stays in one spot for too long he makes a little shrubbery. V. disconcerting.


The sprouting has stopped. Thank goodness. Back at Eveningfall. There are some strange humans from the south-east here; apparently were pursued to edge of High Forest by Zhentarim. Thora has made friends with their horses.


This Tokim guy seems dead dodgy. V. evasive about religion. His enormous scythe is apparently lawful. Right, I'm not touching any of his stuff. Ever. And neither is the rest of the party.

21 Ches

Thalalos' new longbow is v. cool.

Off to mound.

Tokim seems to have a morbid fascination with the time and manner of death of various creatures. Very strange. I don't think there's enough room on his scroll for everything we've killed recently.

22 Ches

Stopped at lair of dead trolls. After rifling through large pile of stinky dead adventurers, we found some arms and armour for the Eilistraee temple. I don't really want the spiked chain, but Lia seems to like it.

Tokim performed some kind of burial rite. He's weirding us out.

23 Ches

Back at mound. Thora held horse trials to determine weapon allocation. One of Tokim's friends expressed interest in Skypony. Curses. Need more converts.

The new Eilistraee temple? is v. cool.

Lia complaining because we haven't been in a fight for a whole seven days.


Need a weaponsmith for temple. Ilphrin suggested an acquaintance. Have filed information for future use.

Much later...

Had pleasant bath in stream. Pranced around temple with no clothes on, singing. Must practice singing skills, as other temple inhabitants not impressed.

24 Ches

Where is Lia? Bloody teleport. Bloody dragon boyfriends.


Lia finally arrived back when we were all packed and ready to go. Kissed Thalalos goodbye - go me!


Found many gnoll tracks leading ahead of us. Sent tressym to scout. Oogle got shot. Launched rescue operation (invisible flying Lia). Lia got shot. Thora got ambushed by fifteen gnolls. Killed most of them. I got one. Thora, Lia and I got ambushed by a further fifty gnolls, some of which had long spears and one of which had a bow, was a mad barbarian and was extremely difficult to kill. Lia got shot lots and lots.


Gnolls killed (as a group effort): 61. Go us! Burning pile of dead gnolls v. smelly. Tokim spent fight guarding ex-slaves.

Suspect dead barbarian gnoll's pendant enchanted with see invisible. Cannot check now, as Lia all out of invisibility.

Vetoed suggestion for cutting off gnolls' ears and sending them to treants. Ewww. Party settled for planting two feather tokens to replace destroyed trees.

Camped away from smelly dead gnoll pile. Boar for dinner. Yay!

Somewhat depressed about senseless waste of sentient life. If only gnolls would settle down to nice pastoral existence and get on with people.

25 Ches

Found out about major slave route intersection point under High Forest. Have filed information for near-future use.

Arrived at Mist Master's. Nobody has tried to kill Tokim yet, thus Tokim probably not totally evil. Menalin and Quellaith much less wussy; interested in learning swordfighting at temple. Yay! Mistmaster has visitors from Everlund, thus we can foist ex-slaves on them and not have to go there ourselves. Pegasi all staying in tower and avoiding noisy crowd. Lia being a spell nerd again.

Party instructed to go to Ascor to sample mysterious black goop. Have been promised containment device; also sampling device attached to end of v. long pole. This is somewhat comforting.

26 Ches

Exploiting ex-slave merchants as courier service. Have written letter to shrine of Oghma in Everlund. Apparently, terribly nice Oghma worshippers let people copy their books; big library in Silverymoon. Have enclosed 100 gold gemstone for scribing fees; also wishlist. Hopefully temple inhabitants will have something to read soon. Lia also took opportunity to return spellbook to Everlund mage. All in all, will be v. hacked off if merchants get mugged on way back. Hopefully diplomats equipped with competent mercenaries.


Arrived at Stone Stand. Black Lion and priests of Tempus harassing Treeghost; whining about Delric and missing followers. Priests of Tempus v. poncy; spiky plate armour nearly as bad as huge magical swords. Thora handed down political smackdown, ignoring priests and paying Black Lion generous weregild as per Uthgardt tradition. Priests v. miffed, esp. after hearing about raiding party debacle; whole delegation packed up & left.

Lia nearly caused incident with ill-considered removal of disguise; fortunately was able to avert disaster.


Ran into two-headed giant between Stone Stand and Sword's Rest. It resisted Lia's Phantasmal killer. Thora shot it a bit and I stabbed it in the knee. Then Tokim charged it on horseback and chopped both its heads off with single blow of Scythe of Doom. Am v. impressed with scythe; also absolutely terrified and not ever touching it ever ever. Thora somewhat miffed, esp. as Tokim insisted on burying heads and everyone got rained on.


Arrived at Stone Stand. Everyone v. friendly; settlement doing well. Little brother Dom and little sister Celia up from Jalanthar visiting Celia's fiance.

Went to inn. Got given free food & drink by nice people. Put appropriate Fear of the Terrifying Big Sister into Celia's fiance. Lia went off to visit Kizzar. Tokim chatted to other ex-Zhents.

27 Ches

Apparently Tokim revealed religious affiliation last night; population spooked and keeping distance. Jergal is a god of the dead; keeps records of dead people. Explains a lot about Tokim. Jergal not popular with ex-Zhents, as used to work with evil bastard Cyric. Tokim explained that Jergal forced to work with all gods of the dead; is himself neutral and doesn't even like Cyric. Apparently helped Tokim screw Cyric over. Hopefully news will spread.

We set off. Have advised Dom to start convincing Mum & Dad he should train to be a swordsman. Hope to pick him up in Jalanthar on way back from mission. Ilphrin should be pleased, as ambidexterity runs in family. Dad may take much convincing; plan to leave out certain details, like whole Drow thing.


Encountered four orcs running down road v. fast. Rapidly discovered small frost dragon in pursuit of orcs.

Dragons killed today: 1. V. good.

Tokim v. depressed, having surmised (correctly) that we will not let him bury dragon, as dragon worth obscene amount of money.

Dragged dragon to Sundabar. Hired Furjur the Flippant to organise auction. Furjur v. excited, as dragon expected to fetch min. 20 000 gold and he gets 10% cut.

Thora paid scrawny young lad to fetch braziers for hired shed. Then paid him to fetch food. Then adopted him as party apprentice. Young lad's name is Serbon. Serbon somewhat stunned at abrupt reversal of fortune. Am sure he will make a fine swordfighter, if something doesn't eat him in Ascor first.

Necklace we got off dead orc turns out to attract and absorb magic missiles. Go us!

28 Ches

Tokim hired stonemason to carve life-size statue of dragon in dramatic pose; in lieu of burial. Helm bemused; allowed Tokim to stick statue on River Gate as a gargoyle. Stonemason v. pleased, as will get to display l33t carving skill to whole town.

Went shopping with Thora; Serbon now fully equipped.

Dragon fetches 30 000 gold. Am v. rich. Town mage v. happy. Party v. happy, as Suspected Bastard from Laskan didn't win.


Party ordered many magical items from town wizard as payment for dragon. Am poor again. Will soon have Ring of Silver Moths. Temple will soon have Evil-detecting Doorstep. Fellow party members purchased various skill enhancements; also Spoon of Porridge Manufacture. Having forked out over 3500 gold for statue, Tokim opens account and begins saving up.


Cult of the Dragon tried to nick dragon from warehouse. Thora beat the crap out of them. Moon elf from auction acting v. dodgy; also seems to have spent a lot of time among drow. Got nice horse for Serbon. Horse so nice Thora will later be confiscating it for breeding purposes.


Met Morada the blue dragon. Had nice chat.

29 Ches

Dead orcs on pikes at fork in road. V. messy.

Ogres killed today: 8

Fan mail from some poncy elf called Nightshade.

30 Ches

Met Nightshade. Nightshade works for mercenary company. Was not keen to provide further information.

Buried orc heads. Thora scored a raven.


Quiet night in Small Boring Wood. Tokim got hit on by grabby dryad; successfully repelled advances.

1 Tarsakh

Slave market in Ched Nased today. Am v. depressed. Have taken holy oath to combat slavery in all its forms.

Off to meddle in affairs of extraplanar nasties.


Got goop. Fought shadow mastiffs. Ran away from scary mage. Everyone amazingly still not dead, although Silfri missing. Thora v. distressed.

Off to Kizzar's.

2 Tarsakh

Silfri confirmed dead. Thora v. upset. We head home, followed by mystery quasit. Meet up with another adventuring party at suspiciously perfect campsite. Sleep.

3 Tarsakh

Bloody quasit still following us. Run-in with v. poncy demonic elf and giant frog thing. enormous fight started by Lia's lightning bolt. Frog thing v. smelly; made Lia throw up extensively. Also summoned shrieking vulture-men that emit nasty spores. V. v. v. nearly got killed by elf; rather unpleasant experience. Lia called Kizzar for help; elf ran away like a sissy girl. Shouted something about a message.

It is our official (retroactively applied) policy that we do not deal with demons.

4 Tarsakh

Gave directions to Dire Wood to some dodgy, evil extraplanar beings at 3 in the morning. Something about a showdown with their enemies. Sent warning messages into the forest. Also managed to singe quasit a bit. Ha.

Lia seems to be turning into a dragon; somewhat disturbing.

Fought ettin and two weird goaty mimic things. Found suit of Ascalhorn armour run through with sword lying on bridge. Wish demons would write letters like normal people.

Visited Aglar in Ascalhorn. Off to Mistmaster's.

5 Tarsakh

Reached Mistmaster's without incident. Caught up on interesting literature. No pegasi visiting today; Thora miffed.

6 Tarsakh

Left for home with Menalin and Quellaith.

7 Tarsakh

Home! Got present and flowers from Thalalos. Go me!

Am losing bar bet; need more converts.

Apparently large settlement of Vhaeraun-worshipping drow in western High Forest has vanished mysteriously. V. suspicious.

8 Tarsakh

Went with Thora to see Calendor the Druid about drow settlement. Slept in clearing w. small bear. Tokim blew up Lia's lab. Lia v. annoyed.

9 Tarsakh

Went back home. Had curious fight w. squidgy marshmallow demons. Bloody demons.

10 Tarsakh

Off to Lost Peaks. Tracked six-legged beastie for a bit. Turned out to be a dire displacer beast. Killed it. Hopefully will be good for many cloaks of displacement. Left it to be skinned.

11 Tarsakh

There goes the neighbourhood. Can't throw brick in High Forest this week without hitting outsider of some kind.

Arrived at Grandfather Tree. Mmmm, nice giant tree. Have it on good magical authority tree more shiny than Kizzar.

Thora had holy vision of red spear near Lost Peaks.

12 Tarsakh

Divination yielded obscure prophecy about lost Uthgart artifact. Apparently Uthgart had a brother. Uthgart's brother apparently not known for anything other than having a spear. Which he lost. Doesn't sound very responsible.

Saw many goblin tracks. Some kind of village migration.

13 Tarsakh

Encountered Zordram, fleeing drow fugitive from settlement. Apparently bunch of settlements rounded up people they didn't like and locked them up in cavern; then meticulously packed their things and buggered off somewhere. Something about an ancient book of lore. Menzoberranzan scouting party found people in cavern and attempted to take them captive; Zordram got away.

Off to explore settlements.


Ambushed by gnolls. Killed gnolls.


Went to examine prison cavern and retrieve corpses. Encountered remains of Menzoberranzan scouting party. Had fight. Retrieved prisoners. One underdark soldier defected. Hurrah! More possible converts.

Apparently drow got fed up with elven expansion. Went to Bligdenstone via portal in mountain, planning to go somewhere else through portal in Bligdenstone.

Bloody exhausted and completely out of spells. Off to bed.


Attacked in middle of night by goblins. Bloody goblins! Killed some goblins; rest ran away.

All v. annoying.

14 Tarsakh

Had day of idle relaxation and message-sending.

15 Tarsakh

Destroyed portal. Off home.


Shot at by some centaurs. Stupid centaurs. Must get millstone-sized Eilistraee symbols for drow.

17 Tarsakh

Back home. Somebody set up us the dragon! Arrived to be told something had burrowed under mound and Uthgart tree. Theorised something had been placed underneath both. Something turned out to be five green dragon eggs. Much running in circles, screaming and shouting. Suggestions for remote locations to which eggs should be transported all to no avail, as v. angry green dragon mommy arrived shortly afterwards.

Dragons killed today: 1. Oh, dear.

Thora's tree slightly broken. Two trees uprooted.

Underground tracks unmistakably point to poncy demonic bastards of two weeks ago. Now we're going to have to kill them.

Kizzar agreed to take eggs. Came to pick them up w. family. Helpfully re-planted overturned tree. Gave us lots of cash.

Sold dragon to Mistmaster. Mistmaster fortunately able to provide own transport. Got more cash; also handed Thora's sword in to be enchanted with demonic bane.

Sword will take month to enchant. Planning to relax, do shopping for party and settlement and possibly go on fun road trip.

Suspect poncy demons waiting for us by green dragon's hoard. Hope they brought a book to read.

18 Tarsakh

Annoying quasit still hanging about. Party decided to nab it for a lark. Thora and Lia executed cunning plan involving various flying spells, invisibility and a blanket. Quasit tried dodgy magical moves; got bitten by Lia. Am somewhat worried about Lia's new draconic tendencies.

Got scried on by evil elf lady; obviously upset by capture of familiar. Poncy demons dispatched to retrieve it. Apparently previous attacks on party all a misunderstanding; demons unaware Aglar no longer in party. Demons announced desire to leave with quasit. Tokim miffed by prospect of scaly soul-stealer getting off scot-free; challenged elf-boy to single combat for quasit. Offered to cast shield other on Tokim, but he refused - lawful and all that. Am v. sure Tokim going to die.


Hurrah! Tokim not dead. Poncy elf very dead; killed with three lucky strokes. Go Tokim! Everyone v. impressed.

Quasit dead; other demons left in huff. Scored quasit's magical owl statue; also ring with djinni. Djinni very helpful; delivered tiefling's manky evil armour and sword to Mistmaster for destruction. Evil sword tried to talk its way out of trouble; to no avail as am able to detect evil as natural ability.

Pleasant evening. Visited by Amra, elf who worships god of pranks and trickery. Tokim ordered dragon-shaped trees in feather tokens to plant in green dragon's home as monument.

Fun night with Thalalos. Go me!

19 Tarsakh

Have decided to spend relaxing tenday at home.

26 Tarsakh

Visit from Tulrun, priest of Oghma from Silverymoon, and ranger friend. Tulrun has brought lots of books for the Eilistraee temple.

The Secret Diary of Tokim the Lawful

Well, now that Tokim's religious affiliations are no longer secret I can replace the temporary diary with an actual diary.

20 Ches

Met some non-elves at last.

New acquaintances seem v. worried by recently acquired lawful scythe and suddenly started asking pointed questions about religious orientation. Otherwise appear to be nice people, 'though lacking self restraint.

Also met Riandor, Elvish cavalryman from Evermeet. Nicest elf yet.

Still not dead. Go me!

21 Ches

Thora also interested in horses. Feeling a bit more like part of the group.

Discovered that travelling companions have killed a lot of things. Not sure if this is a good sign. Wrote down names and dates of death for numerous victims. Rest of party weirded out by my interest in the dead.

22 Ches

Stopped by old troll feeding ground. Buried lots of bones with help of companions. Will have to clean white gloves later.

Companions showing a healthy respect for the dead. Maybe will get along with them after all.

23 Ches

Doing well in horse trials but then fell off. V. embarrassing. My old cavalary mates would laugh if they saw. Except that they might kill me first. On bright side, Kelost won flaming sword. Go Kelost!

Kelost seems smitten with Sky Pony. Oh well, he is young and boisterous.

24 Ches

Lia arrived back late from visiting boyfriend. Eventually set off to visit Mist Master, who ever he is. Escorting freed slaves. Slaves have suffered much, will make sure they get out of High Forest safely.

Attacked by many, many gnolls. Rest of group ran off to rescue winged cat. Very undisciplined. Left by self to defend slaves. Thankfully slaves not attacked by gnolls. Others killed many gnolls.

Began long process of burning gnoll bodies. Lia attempted to torture wounded gnoll for information. Unsuccessful. Torturers in Zhentil Keep much more effective. Thankfully no longer in Zhentil Keep.

25 Ches

Large footprints found heading west.

Arrived at Mist Master's keep. Walls made of strange cloudy stone. Thankfully seem to be large number of other guests so haven't received much attention. Other guests seem to be diplomats from Everlund.

Discovered that Mist Master has large library. Better find out more about afterlife and the planes. All information valuable. Consequences of making mistake unthinkable.

Have been allowed to use library after having morals probed. Air elementals everywhere. Found book on the Fugue plane.

Book on Fugue plane quite up to date. Must return to Mist Master and continue reading.

Companions have been given mysterious errrand to pick up black shadow goop from Ascor. Probably good idea to go with and make sure natural order of things is not being badly disturbed in Ascor.

26 Ches

Left Mist Master's. Ex-slaves left behind to recuperate.

Arrived at Uthgart burial mound called Stone Stand. Seems most Uthgart big on ancestors. Very pleasing.

Appears Thora has bad history with Black Lion. Things looked bad at first, but eventually everything resolved according to Uthgart law. V. comforting. Had lunch with Uthgart. Lia stirred trouble by removing elf disguise.

Headed out of High Forest. Yay! Open ground.

Encountered giant two-headed thing. Probably what left large tracks yesterday. Seemed intent on killing us, so I beheaded it. Buried heads. Will need bigger spade if this continues.

Arrived at Sword's Rest. Good to meet fellow Zhents again. Feels like home.

Learnt from Danar that Fzoul sent Clerics after me. Had not realised quite how much trouble I am in. Hopefully, Cyric too busy to care right now. Will have to be v. careful once things quieten down.

Spoke to Danar (2nd in command of Militia), Kell (head of militia) and Tyro (mayor) about Jergal. Trio seemed somewhat unimpressed. Decided to let them sleep on it.

27 Ches

Seems word of religious affiliation has spread during the night. People unhappy.

Explained to Danar about Jergal. Hopefully news will spread.

Generally, ex-Zhents seem to be doing well for themselves. Good to see. Also nice to know that new companions helped get them on their feet.

Set off along river towards Sundabar.


Encountered four orcs closely followed by young white dragon. Seems orcs not destined to die today. White dragon entered on scroll. Stupidly charged across frozen river, nearly fell in. Initially saddened by enthusiasm of other to sell white dragon's corpse. However, now plan to erect statue of dragon with my share of proceeds.


Arrived in Sundabar. Nice solid town. Thora hired young street urchin, Serbon. Fear that Serbon's name will soon be appearing on scroll. Hired Joran, a dwarvish stonemason, to carve statue. Joran excited about project. Convinced Helm to allow statue to be erected on tower above River Gate. Spoke to Furjur, the auctioneer.

28 Ches

Dragon sold to local mage Eregund Wayland for 30 000 gp. Most of share (3500gp) went to pay Joran. Also chipped in for magical spoon which makes porridge. Hit on idea of asking Eregund to discover dragon's name. While visiting Eregund, Thora attacked by five members of Cult of the Dragon. Cult of Dragon now four members smaller. Fifth member, Tian, en route to priests of Tyr. Will have to investigate Cult of Dragon when next in Sundabar. Cult members apparently from Llorkh. Dragon delivered. Informed by Eregund that dragon's name is Ibrandlinnizar.

Set off to buy horse for Serbon. After brief confusion as to direction, arrived at Jack's farm. Horses v. impressive. Serbon now temporary owner of fine bay mare.

Left Jack's heading back through Sundabar and then eastwards. Escorted for much of way by large blue dragon. Could see Dalagar's Dagger in distance. Should visit sometime although currently under excellent curatorship.

Quiet evening owing to presence of blue dragon.

29 Ches

Continued eastward along road. Encountered fork in late afternoon. Fork site of large battle. Will have to make arrangements for proper burial of some sort for dead orcs. Seems orc killed by elves. Elves put many orc heads on sticks. Highly disrespectful of dead. Also interesting haunted ruin at fork. Plan to sort everything out tomorrow during daylight.

Made camp a short ride north of fork. Lia made magical shelter - v. cosy. Perhaps little too noticable. Attacked by bunch of ogres. Ogres now dead. Will take care of bodies in morning. Ogres worshipers of demon Bafamet. Cannot be good, demons always causing trouble.

Received congratulatory note on arrow fired into door of shelter. Elves v. strange. Sent polite response in similiar vein.

30 Ches

Woke up early. Much work to do. Started dragging orge bodies with help of Danon and Thora. Work interrupted by arrival of elvish woman, Nightshade - head of elvish mercenary company. Company waiting for orders from current retainer, v. secretive. Made small cairn for ogres.

Returned to Fork briefly. Buried Orc heads with Brianna's help. Other companions not very understanding. Still wondering about haunted ruins.


Made way to small forest on edge of desert. Met druid, Aruthe, and Bluster, his bear. Felt unusually close to Jergal during prayers. Seems now have been granted clerical abilities. Approached by grabby dryad on way back to camp. Much to pre-occupied to consider such things. Besides, heart is taken.

1 Tarsakh

Off to Ascor. Watched by circling gargoyles and later by large Gryphon statues. Recent activity by Hobgoblins in area. What were they up to? Descended warily to Ascor. Attacked by shadow mastiffs while securing goop. Fled flying, apparently powerful, shadowmage. He who creates fake dragons. Silfri missing.


Detoured past small forest to collect stuff then headed for Kizzar's. Encountered more dead ogres. Badly need Spade of Digging. Silfri still missing.


Chatted to Morada. Apparently, ruins at Fork haunted by dwarven hero, Ghaurin, who committed dreadful mistake. Spirit manifests to attempt to corret mistake when moon is right. Also, Cult of Dragon starting to construct fortress near Well of Dragons.

2 Tarsakh

Silfri entered on scroll. Left for High Forest. Trailed by soul-stealing quasit. Met Claws of the Crag Cat adventuring party at campsite (Challos Hmn/F, Kelendil Elf/M, Aranil Hmn/M, Barstin Hmn/M, Wulgar Dwf/M). Cats hunting statue for Helm. Sleep interrupted by quasit. Casting Mending on Silfri's feathers.

3 Tarsakh

Trailed by quasit 'til late morning. Encountered nasty patch of blackened forest inhabited by demonic toad (Hezrow demon) and his pet elf. Elf likely of House Gladradreth. Elf annoyingly difficult to hit. Brianna nearly killed by nasty sword. Lia's graphic commentary on toad's BO v. amusing in retrospect. Toad left summoning spore-covered vulture-things. V. nasty. Danon nearly killed by spores. Kizzar arrives. Annoying elf flees.

Spent rest of day recovering and looking after Danon. Took potion to remove icky spores.

4 Tarsakh

Awoken by strange extraplanar creatures wanting directions to Dire Wood. No clue where Dire Wood is. Awoken again by Lia zapping quasit. Not enough sleep. Lia looking a bit green - maybe still suffering from encounter with toad.

Added Etun and two hyena-dog-things to scroll. Must get spade.

Encountered suit of armour with sword through it. Seems companions have really pissed someone off in past. Hope someone not to powerful. Passed near Ascalhorn. Met Aglar and treants.

5 Tarsakh

Delivered shadow goop to Mistmaster. Unfortunately, only magic spade few sizes too large. Continued reading book on Fugue plane.

6 Tarsakh

Party offered celestial sword by Mistmaster. Tempting. Not a scythe. Headed south to Thora's and Brianna's temples. Looking forward to seeing friends from The Ride.

7 Tarsakh

Good to see Kelost, Essont (both now of Sky Pony), Athleri (still of Ilmater, God of Suffering), Undart and Acharde (of Tymora). Have sneaky plan to win minority bar bet.

8 Tarsakh

Catastrophe while making special poison. Now owe Lia 300 gold in lab equipment. Thankfully ingredients still fine. Gave Danon a bath.

9 Tarsakh

Gave Lia IOU. Thora and Brianna found tracks of large six-legged cat. V. odd. Killed formless white humanoids. Probably demons.

10 Tarsakh

Headed off towards Lost Peaks. Not gone far when picked up fresh trail of six-legged cat. Surprised by cat which turns out to be Dire Displacer Beast. V. cunning and hid its image in hill. Displacer Beast hide should make funky black robes.

Lia names her horse Parmalat.

11 Tarsakh

Tracked by shadowy forest nymph. Lia gave usual response of lightning bolt.

Stumbled across Grandfather Tree. Life force of tree v. strong but all will die when there time comes.

Thora on about strange red spear and visions.

12 Tarsakh

Left tree. Seems red spear belonged to brother of Uthgardt. Interesting.

Found large trampled path through forest. Thora says made recently by goblins.

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