From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: BarbaRants


Ok, so i couldn't think of anything too original so for now this is it. Get it? Barbara + Rants = BarbaRants.

I may be behind in the times, but i read a little rant on the Wiki yesterday which seems to have caused a leetle uphill in the CLAWs? bunch - you all know the one about CLAW females being a little unaccepting of certain individuals of late (go to "Sean talks about shit" if you haven't seen in already). As a member of the mentioned group, i.e. females, i would like to make a few comments in our defence...

CLAWs is still the accepting merry band o' misfits that we always were, however the main thing to remember is that we accept people for WHO THEY ARE, not - repeat not - for who they pretend to be. CLAWs has always been a place where people can be themselves during normal hours and anything they please when they roleplay, LARP etc. A person does not have to be a "Nobel Prize laureat" (quote-unquote) they just have to be real and not pretend to be stupid, vapid etc. when they're not. They should just be real with everyone, lay all their cards on the table and all will be well. The reason that the females were getting ungsty was that the subject under scrutiny was pretending to be something they weren't and was using this to play every male at the table. Taking advantage of people is a no-no in CLAW and also in LIFE (unless of course it's a game and Brendan's DM-ing...just kidding).

Just a little comment here: I don't think I was played at all, and I'm sure there were other guys who weren't, either: Wombat, Brendan, Sed... -Duncan

So, now that i've gotten that out the way, let's all grow-up shall we. This is all just a little too high-school for my taste. There are better things to do with valuable web space.

Will be back later for more important stuff:)

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Page last modified on January 01, 1970, at 12:00 AM