From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

TheTome: AnnualGnarliburrMarathon




CLAWthing: Anna Malczyk
Guildmistress: Claire Hanley
Hoarder of Monies: Dominic Nunes
Scrivener: Zac Crumley


Brief results

Present: Excluding the committee? Um.... There were a couple other people
Apologies: We apologise for nothing!

CLAWthing (Chairperson): Ian Kitley
Guildmistress (Vice-Chairperson): Sean Finniss
Scrivener (Secretary): David Seaward (surprise!)
Hoarder of Monies (Treasurer): Graham Poulter (surprise!)
Warlord: Tai Steyn
Ad Hocs: Hendri Cawood, John Murray, John Hofenburg
Apart from the surprise switch around (something about numerical ability), there were no surprises.

There was a report back.

Mike not in charge of the CLAWroom Subcommittee, but we're working on it.

Dragonfire? planning starts now (see below), submit your ideas about the 2005 Dragonfire theme:

From the incoming CLAWthing:

(also posted to the cthulist)

Anyone who wants any other details about the AGM can ask around but there are a few things that need to be brought
up here.

Due to all that Mike has put in motion with regards to the CLAWroom/shack, its been suggested that a sub-committee be
formed to badger UCT admin and deal with the issues that come up. Anyone that is interested in helping out, please let me know.

We would like to get Dragonfire? organized way in advance this year ( yes, we know its wishful thinking ), and in
that vain need to start dealing with the few problems that people had with this year's running. Anyone with any complaints or suggestions please direct them to your nearest committee member.

Finally on to the fun stuff. This weekend is SchpatCON? and the rumors surrounding the modules are promising a great
weekend. If you are even thinking of not attending, you should check yourself into Falkenbur.

This year, the outgoing committee has organised an end of the year party at The One Ring on Wednesday the 13th of October ( last day of varsity ). There'll be live music from Sophie's Ghost and a chance to really let of some pre-exam steam. And we promise that we won't have to break-in again. Maybe.

(old stuff thrown away - check the page history if yer interested)

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Page last modified on July 29, 2008, at 01:49 PM