From CLAWs olden times wiki archive

LexiconRubble: The Flomo Calamity

One hundred and thirty years ago, an as yet unexplained disaster struck the Flomo Plain, halving the population of the Sibirica tribe overnight, and entirely wiping out several others. The names of these unfortunates may not be spoken or written, in accordance with native traditions, but if any inquisitive reader wishes to visit me in my Crater City home, I would be happy to satisfy her curiosity through an interpretative dance.

There are no reliable eyewitness reports from within the inner radius of devastation - an oval area encompassing almost the entire territory of the Plain. Inhabitants from nearby villages reported a night of severe earth tremors and thunderstorms. In the days that followed, exploratory parties sent into the central valley discovered an enormous valley splitting it in two.

Every village encountered was found in ruins, the huts flattened as if they had been stepped on. The bodies found appeared to have been crushed.

In the years that followed, many travellers claimed to be survivors from within the affected area who witnessed the Calamity first-hand. Unfortunately, their stories wildly contradict each other, and are mostly obvious fabrications.

Assorted claims have been made about the Calamity:

... and many more which are too fanciful and ridiculous to mention in a serious analysis.

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Page last modified on March 30, 2006, at 03:22 PM