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LexiconRubble: Equaevalator

Commanded by the infamous waterstealer Captain Junco One-eyed, the Equaevalator is the most feared desertship of the Forgotten Wastes. Her seven massive ion sails harness the electric gales of the fiercest storms. Her ruthenium hull is said to be capable of repelling a direct hit from a 12bn Hurricane shell and her own broadside of 17 dust cannons has dispatched many lesser vessels.

However, there are bigger (if less widely known) ships with thicker hulls and more firepower. What makes the Equaevalator unique is her equal-time rocket drive. The only known engine of its kind, it allows the vessel to cross a wide range of distances in a constant amount of time. The exact value of this constant is unknown, but careful observation has set an upper bound of 4 hours. Usage of the ERTD is not without its price. Strange temporal phenomena have been reported along routes connecting the points of drive activation to their destinations. Also, several members of the crew have been discharged after suffering severe mental trauma.

The Equaevalator was designed by Junco's one-time companion and now arch-rival, the famous explorer Cynthia-Payne Liss'Xtk. Towards the end of the construction process, the two had a falling-out and Junco fled with the desertship. Whether Cynthia-Payne Liss'Xtk's recent acquisition of the All-Terrain Velocipede has mollified her, or whether it is merely the tool which will finally allow her to confront Junco, remains to be seen.

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Page last modified on May 08, 2006, at 09:57 PM