CLAWs Forums » Events

New Year's 2006

(1 post)
  • Started 18 years ago by hodgestar


  1. A fairly mixed bunch of people, many of them CLAWmembers, ex-CLAWmembers or odd-types-somehow-vaguely-affiliated-with-CLAWs are taking a boat trip on New Year's Eve.

    We board at 21:30 and we set sail around 22:00, returning to the harbour to see fireworks around 00:30 and then finally disembarking a little after 01:00. The boat we'll be on is named Esperance, and you can see some pictures of her here.

    If you'd like to join us, there are still seven or eight spaces available. The cost is R250 per person. Contact hodgestar at gmail dot com.

    Posted 18 years ago #

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