CLAWs Forums » Tabletop RPGs

Looking for active groups / players

(1 post)
  • Started 17 years ago by corvus
  1. corvus

    Hi. I havent played in a while and would love to start again. I prefer non-level based games, but will play most things. I own several rpg games including: cthulhu-5.0 (cthulhu live-2nd ed), witchcraft, runequest-mongoose, lightspeed, bash, d&d-basic compendium. I prefer playing to dm'ing, but can be coerced. I live in Lakeside and work in town.

    I also own some boardgames - see topic under that forum.

    If you want to contact me, send email to janstals at gmail dot com


    Posted 17 years ago #

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