CLAWs Forums » Cthfuchsia

Job Opportunity

(1 post)
  • Started 18 years ago by Hila


  1. Hey guys

    The company I work for is looking for the help of a web developer for a once off (and if it's any good probably some freelance stuff in the future). WE need the following done for an existing website:

    1) add a shopping cart to the companion website to enable people to rent online

    2) the programme must be able to track/manage rental of 4 trailers to ensure availability when people book the trailers online

    3) When they get more trailers for rent – they should be able to add this on….

    If you are keen on doing this and have the time for it (this is a real world job and NO excuses will be tolerated) This needs to be done as soon as possible next year. As close to the 8th of Jan as possible.

    Send me a quote to

    Posted 18 years ago #

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