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Frag showcase of 2009

(1 post)
  • Started 15 years ago by silurian


  1. silurian

    We're less than 6 weeks away from the BIGGEST Network Gaming event Durban sees each year!!! We're not going for 600 this year. We're planning on making it a full 500-man LAN with 90% of the LAN being Gigabit (best you buy your ticket and book your seat ASAP)!

    So, who is AMPED?!?!?

    Finer details are as follows:

    Date: 11-13 December 2009
    Time: 10:00 (11th) - 10:00 (13th)
    Place: Edgewood College Dininghall, UKZN, Pinetown
    Cost: please visit for details on prices.
    see for more details or contact 0837924774 (douglash)

    Bookings will only be accepted upon payment for the seats. No reservations will be made without payment.

    So, next up on the list, tournaments. The tournaments to be played will be as follows:

    Call of Duty 4: 5 v 5 Search & Destroy (Promod Live - AGASA Maps & FRAG Ruleset)
    DoTA: 5 v 5
    Crysis Wars: Team Deathmatch 2 v 2
    Counter-Strike Source: 5 v 5 KOTH (minimum of 8 teams needed to enter ; pay2play tournament)

    plus more to be finalised...

    Prizes, well, that's always a sensitive subject for majority of the real "competitive" players in the gaming fraternity. This year, the prizes are not confirmed yet, they will be as soon as possible, but the prize pool will be in the region of approx. R30 000. FRAG is endeavouring to give prizes as far down as 5th place for this event.

    This year promises to be the best Showcase yet. The usual FRAG attendees are buzzing and have all commented that they are looking forward to the Showcase. There'll be a pool, volleyball, pool table, Xbox setups, giveaways, promotions, etc. at this event.

    More details will be added as they are confirmed, but let's face it, the only way the Showcase will be a Showcase is if YOU buy a ticket and make it happen!!

    Any queries, comments, suggestions, critique, etc. can be posted on our forums.

    Looking forward to it...? We are....!!!!

    Posted 15 years ago #

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