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CLAWmarks season

(1 post)
  • Started 17 years ago by Ravenna


  1. Hi all,

    the deadline for the DragonFire 2007 issue of CLAWmarks is the 25th July.

    I've already gotten lots of fridge quotes, but keep them coming! Please email or link me to any photos of CLAWs-related mishaps/LARPs etc. Also, any drawings, jokes, funny stories, cool links, classifieds - send them all in!

    And of course we need writers!!! If you ran or played in a campaign do a write-up, if you discovered a new system do a review, if you're feeling creative write a short story... basically whatever you feel like! If anyone's stuck and needs an idea, please email me and I'll help you out. :)

    Send all your stuffs to annamalczyk at gmail dot com.

    Here's hoping my inbox will be spammed with submissions! :D

    Posted 17 years ago #

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