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A week of miniature warfare

(1 post)
  • Started 17 years ago by CryoPhobia
  1. For the interrested:

    Ye Old Armoury & SA Miniatures
    The Peninsula Wargames Group in

    7 - 13 April 2008, Blue Shed, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town

    A week of miniature warfare:
    Models, figures, terrain, competitions, demonstrations, historical battles refought...
    From the Ancient Armies of Antiquity, To Fantasy Forces of the Future!

    Ancient Romans, Gauls, Medieval Knights, Renaissance Cavalliers, Marlburian, Napoleonic, American Revolution, American Civil War, Franco-Prussian War, Colonial Conflicts, Boer War, World War I Naval, World War II, Modern Conflicts, Bush War (Angola).

    Special Sunday Schedule:
    Warhammer and Warhammer 40K Fantasy Battles

    Campaigns refought:
    Napoleonic: Peninsula Campaign
    American Civil War: Shiloh
    World War II: Operation Battleaxe
    World War II: Battle of the Bulge
    War In Angola: The Battles of Cuito Cuanavale

    With Displays by: The International Plastic Modelers Society -South Africa (IPMSSA)

    If you are interrested to contact the organizers for more info, drop me a mail and I'll forward you contact details.


    Posted 17 years ago #

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