CLAWs Forums » Card Games


(9 posts)
  • Started 18 years ago by confluence
  • Latest reply from confluence
  1. Regarding OOPMan's post:

    Nyet! We already have a card game category. Right here. Now, about Koi-Koi -- what's the easiest way to get Hanafuda cards in SA? I wonder if any of the Generic Asian Supermarkets have them; I've never checked before.

    ETA: I guess you can play with a normal deck, with four cards taken out.
    ETA2: Nintendo makes them -- they started out as a card company!

    Posted 18 years ago #
  2. OOPMan


    I usually play Koi-Koi via ClubHouse Games on my Nintendo DS, so I don't really know :-(

    You couldn't really play with normal cards though, not unless you draw stuff on them :-)

    Well, anyway, I really enjoy playing this game on my DS, not least because it's a bloody monster to learn the ins and outs of it...

    Posted 18 years ago #
  3. I just installed PySol, which apparently has a bunch of these games. If I ever see a real live deck, however, I'm totally buying it.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  4. OOPMan

    Yeah, Koi-Koi is very cool :-)

    Posted 18 years ago #
  5. In other news, I've always wanted to know if you can play card games with the tarot deck. The answer is yes.

    And I actually have a tarot deck; I got it as a Christmas present from some people who were apparently unclear on precisely which heathen belief system had caused me to abandon the faith of my forefathers.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  6. dystopia
    code monkey

    there are a great number of games that can be played with the tarot deck: poker, black jack, rummy, 21, all the games that were played in the CLAWroom. these, of course, only made use of what is known as the minor arcana. which is to say, normal playing cards

    Posted 18 years ago #
  7. Not exactly normal playing cards; a normal suit has 13 cards, whereas a suit in the minor arcana has a page and a knight instead of a jack. Although you can take one of them out, obviously. There are, however, games you can play with all the tarot cards, including the major arcana -- which is apparently used as a suit of trumps.

    Posted 18 years ago #
  8. Yancke

    Isnt there a french game called "tarot", dunno what version of the tarot it uses to play with.

    Posted 17 years ago #
  9. There's only one version, but some decks have numbers on the major arcana and some don't, and you need a deck that does.

    Posted 17 years ago #

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