From CLAWs

Dragonfire2014: Dragonfire 2014

Dragonfire is the annual gaming convention of CLAWs UCT. The theme of this year's Dragonfire is The Dragon and the Fae.

Timetable(Subject to change over next few days):

08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 - late
Fri 8th Set up LARP: Festival of Jandrean Emancipation
Board gaming
Genshiken Video Game Tournament
Sat 9th
DM briefing Things can go wrong fast DM briefing Singularity Neuroshima Hex tournament LARP:Spring Jamboree
PFS module: TBA PFS module: TBA
VtES Nationals (registration) VtES Nationals
Sun 10th
DM briefing A Toast To Fall DM briefing DnD Module
Neuroshima Hex tournament Genshiken art competition
PFS module: TBA PFS module: TBA
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Page last modified on 09 August 2014, at 08:24 PM UTC